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Computer Engineering


Porting of Lightweight OpenHarmony based on MIPS Architecture


  • Online:2023-07-05 Published:2023-07-05


Abstract: The distributed architecture of the spatial data system defined by the CCSDS advanced in-orbit system standard is an effective solution to improve the overall reliability of the on-board system. In China, the spacecraft control terminals, as typical application nodes of the architecture, usually use Loongson series processors based on MIPS architecture. However, due to the lack of an autonomous and controllable lightweight operating system, the deployment and application of this architecture in China's aerospace field are limited. The lightweight OpenHarmony has the advantages of independent controllability, high real-time and low power consumption, but it currently does not support the MIPS architecture of domestic Loongson processors. In order to build an autonomous and controllable aerospace information system technology architecture and achieve the goal of porting and adapting to the domestic OpenHarmony lightweight operating system on the Loongson control terminals, by analyzing the LiteOS-M lightweight real-time kernel of OpenHarmony and MIPS architecture, focusing on the hardware abstraction layer (HAL) and kernel hardware related parts, it includes the port scheme of boot loading, HAL architecture adaptation, UART driver, kernel cutting, and tool chain construction. In order to verify the basic functions and real-time performance indicators of the migrated system, experimental test cases are designed based on the MIPS architecture Loongson spaceborne control terminal LS1J and LS1C hardware platforms. The experimental results show that the lightweight real-time system of OpenHarmony successfully adapts to the MIPS architecture and can run stably and reliably on the Loongson control terminal. The system task context switching delay is 0.229μs and the interruptresponse delay is 4.73μs, which meets the real-time system indicators. It provides a solution for the deployment and application of the distributed architecture of space-borne computers for aerospace thin terminals in China, and has certain reference significance for building a reliable, safe and autonomously controllable information technology system for space-based computers.

摘要: CCSDS 高级在轨系统标准定义的空间数据系统分布式架构是提高星载系统整体可靠性的一种有效方案。在我国,作 为该架构典型应用节点的航天器控制终端,通常采用基于 MIPS 架构的龙芯系列处理器。但由于缺失自主可控的轻量化操作 系统,限制了该架构在我国航天领域的部署与应用。轻量型鸿蒙操作系统具有自主可控性、高实时性和低功耗等优点,但其 目前尚未支持国产龙芯处理器的 MIPS 架构。为构建自主可控的航天信息系统技术体系,实现在龙芯控制终端上移植适配国 产鸿蒙轻量型操作系统的目标,通过分析 OpenHarmony 系统 LiteOS-M 轻量实时内核与 MIPS 架构,聚焦硬件抽象层(HAL)、 内核硬件相关部分,设计并实现了一种包括引导系统启动加载、HAL 架构适配、串口驱动、内核裁剪、工具链搭建的移植方 案。为验证移植后系统的基础功能与实时性能指标,基于 MIPS 架构龙芯星载控制终端 LS1J 及 LS1C 硬件平台设计测试用例 并开展实验。实验结果表明:鸿蒙轻量实时系统成功适配 MIPS 架构,能够稳定可靠地运行在龙芯控制终端;系统任务上下 文切换时延为 0.229μs,中断响应时延为 4.73μs,满足实时性系统指标。为我国航空航天瘦终端星载计算机分布式架构的部署 与应用提供了一种解决方案,对构建可靠、安全、自主可控的信息技术体系具有一定参考意义。